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GL Export File Template

You can activate the Loan Performer accounting by inserting a starting date for the financial year at System/Configuration/Accounting/Accounts Settings but still use an external accounting package.

In that case you will need to create GL export files that you will use to import data into your accounting package.

Please note LPF GL Export File Template works with some of the following accounting systems Tally, Pastel, Sun Systems, Quick books. And it is only GL figures from LPF that are being exported to a third party accounting software and not sub ledgers..

How to create a GL Export File Template

To create the GL Export File template you go to System/Configuration/Define GL Export File/GL Export File Template and a screen like the one below shows up:

b) You can also add a user-defined field - with a fixed value - that does not come from Loan Performer. For that, you enter in the provided boxes a name for the field, the data type, the width, the needed decimals and the default value. E.g.:

i) Name: “First Space” – the name doesn’t matter unless it’s a DBF file export –;

ii) Width: 12 digits, the next column will then start after the 12 digits.

iii) Default Value: Can be blank or contain fixed values such as “Yes” or “No”, “True” or “False” or a date value such as “01/01/2020”

If you need to change the order of the fields in your template you can "Insert" a field. Highlight the field (the one before which you want the new field to appear) in the table. Go to "Pick fields from General Ledger" or create user-defined field and click on "Insert" button.

To delete/update the fields that are already added, highlight them from the table and use "Update"/"Delete" buttons respectfully.

Once this template is saved here, it will be available at Accounting/Day Closure where you can select it and use the Export function and the file will be saved at the working folder ready for importation into other software.

This file with data in it will be saved at the working folder by the name it was defined under System/Configuration/Define GL Export File/GL Export File Template available for importation to another software. See below:


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